
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The $5 Solution

Ever have this problem? (Only applies to anyone with a suction window-mount GPS unit.)

The GPS refuses to adhere on the windshield because the suction mount will not stay on the window for more than 5 3 minutes.

There's a solution — NO, you won't have to buy another GPS or even replace the mount.

Instead — use Velcro. And yes, this package is empty because . . .

Grenville applied the velcro fastener strips to the windshield of my car and also to the back of the GPS unit. (The photo looks a bit ghostly when shot from outside.)

It really works!  While we can remove and re-attach the GPS to the Velcro strips, we just leave it on the windshield, except when there's a map update.

SO, our lesson learned was that the $5 spent was way less costly than other alternatives.

Velcro, who knew it was so versatile.

Do YOU know any good unusual uses for Velcro?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my hubby uses it to hold his battery pack on his radio control planes... we don't travel and don't own a gps, but if we ever do i will try to remember this.. and it is a good idea..

possum said...

I bought a beanbag type holder that sits on the dash and can be slipped down between the seats when not in use to avoid someone smashing in the window to steal the GPS...

Grenville shaved? Or did he just magically get younger?

Kathy said...

What a terrific idea! I have some of those strips and I'm going out to do that in my car today!

Blogoratti said...

A handy little product it seems. Greetings!

William Kendall said...

I can see that coming in handy!

Anonymous said...

That's a good use of Velcro. I'll keep it in mind.

L. D. said...

Sounds like a great solution. Have a great day.

Emma Springfield said...

Good thinking. My son used velcro to keep his bird feeder in place on the back porch railing. The squirrels had been knocking it to the ground before then.

diane b said...

We went back to the store and complained about the mount and they gave us a new one. But we use our phone and Google Maps now instead of a GPS. It is always up to date.
We use velcro to display posters on felt pin boards. Put the velcro hooks on the poster and they grab the ferric on the pin boards.

Lynn said...

You mean you leave the GPS in display all the time? You must live in a low crime area. Where I live - it would be gone in five minutes. But that 's a great idea about the velcro. I do have a GPS, with an out of date map, so mostly just use the phone and Google Map thing now.

Connie said...

This sounds like a great idea! Mine just sits in a little cubby hole in the middle of the dash, but it slides around in there a lot.

Anonymous said...

Velcro works every time! I've often wondered though why these suction mounds never works??? They makers must know this but never fix the problem.

Have a great day!
