
Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday Funny

NO Fooling

This was not quite what we had expected to see when snow shoeing on a trail in North Conway, NH, this past February, but there it was — a carcass.

Sorry for that bad awful pun, folks. but it was right on — this vehicle was definitely a goner.

Maybe its owner couldn't find a good parking spot?

How this car ever made it onto the trail, we were never able to learn. It was fairly obvious that, over time, the car had been the victim of human scavengers.
We asked the long-time owners of the B&B where we were staying and checked various online sources dealing with urban legends in the area.

Our searches yielded nothing; but these vintage relic was an interesting find regardless.

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


diane b said...

A sad picture

Emma Springfield said...

With no legends involving the car you can be free to make one up in your minds. What fun.

Anonymous said...

You should have taken a photo of Greenville jingling his car keys beside it!!! lol

Connie said...

The carcass pun made me laugh. :) Happy weekend to you.

Red said...

This could make a great story starter. Relics like this bring many questions to our mind.

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome. It could be a new type of sculpture.

William Kendall said...

I do find it thoughtless, just leaving the thing out there in the woods like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, that is a fun find to me. i would have snapped myself silly... and i am still laughing at the CARcas.. maybe it quit and they could not move it. did yu check for bodies in it? can you tell i read to much

Grenville T Boyd said...

Thanks for the "auto" comments. Sandra was right, we missed a good pic with one of us in the car.....with snowshoes on๐Ÿ˜

Anvilcloud said...


possum said...

I sit here with my redbud is bloom, late daffodils coming on, azaleas starting, late camellias in full bloom, wild bleeding hearts in bloom, iris getting started, and an email from a cousin in Maine that it is snowing on the island! Open webcam and there it is!
Then your post! Well, you are welcome to it. I have winter onions up over a foot and am forcing myself to NOT put seeds in yet. There might be more cold in store for us. I have seen it snow on the daffodils but not on the azaleas.

BTW, I love Ellie's rainbow eggs. That's the kind I used to make.

Ginnie said...

I would imagine that was the last thing you would expect to see on a quiet walk in the snow !! It gives you more questions than answers.

Lynn said...

Oh my - poor carcass! I used to walk at a trail near my late parents' home and there was a wrecked car off to the side there - I always wondered why they put it here.

Snow shoeing sounds fun - and athletic!

Elaine said...

Looks like an installed piece of artwork.....