
Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday Observances

Today is Good Friday. 

This religious holiday is when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week and also known as Black Friday, Easter Friday,  Holy Friday.

It's not a federal holiday in the U.S. 
But in Hawaii, it is a state holiday and city and state office are closed. In some states, specific counties have declared it as a school religious holiday. In Connecticut, the governor has named it as a day of fasting and prayer. Indiana state law mandates that state employees are given the day off as a religious holiday. In 1999, a state employee unsuccessfully sued the state government on this mandate, but was overruled.

Financial markets including the NY Stock Exchange, are closed on Good Friday as are many private businesses, public schools and colleges.

Some people may take the day off from work for a “Spring Break” weekend. Others often maintain a quiet day with limited outside activities including no radio, TV or electronics use. Some fast for the day and some play quiet music including Bach's St Matthew's Passion.

Hot Cross buns, a traditional Good Friday treat are often baked (and enjoyed) on this day. This sweet bun made with currants or raisins is marked with an iced cross on top. The treat traditionally marks the end of Lenten are often available year-round in some places. Some feel that the cross represents Christ's crucifixion.

(In accordance with the solemness of this day for many, the usual Friday Funnies has not been posted. Also, Comments are Off.)