
Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Funnies

Grenville got a bear hug (even if the bear lost its head in the photo) . . .

From the guard bear outside Zeb's General Store in North Conway, NH.

The store is named for Zebulon Northrop Tilton (1866-1952), the colorful captain of a coastal schooner, the Alice S. Wentworth, that delivered cargo along the NE coast from the late 1800’s to 1940. Zeb's claims to have the largest collection of New England made specialty foods with a wide variety of hard-to-find and nostalgic items in a 5,000 product inventory housed in over 6,600 square feet of retail space. It's a not-to-be-missed experience if you are traveling in this part of NH.

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will put this on my bucket list, to be hugged by a bear. woo hoo

Lois Evensen said...

Love this! :))

Rebecca said...

What a great old fashioned name. I love Zeb.

Connie said...

Looks like that bear caught him by surprise! :) Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Such cute photos of the bear and your hubby.

Emma Springfield said...

Believe it or not I have heard of the Alice S. Wentworth. Now I am going to have to figure out where.

William Kendall said...

Fun shots! I imagine Zeb's would remind me of Robinson's, a general store kind of outfit in Ontario's cottage country.

Ginnie said...

I'll check it out the next time I visit my daughter up in that vicinity.

Michelle said...


Anvilcloud said...

They say, there's nothing like a bear hug.

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up today, I just haven't had any energy to travel around in blog land for a while. I hope the energy comes back with the light :-)

What a beautiful Inn You were at! I doubt we have anything like it here.

I have a few books here at home and two more on the way but I'll see if I can find the ones You wrote about earlier as soon as I've finished the ones I already have :-)

Have a great day!


Lynn said...

Ah - this made me smile!