
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Celebrate Chocolate Today & Every Day

Just read that today, October 28, is National Chocolate Day.

HOW did we not know this?

Apparently, there's a lot as in MANY chocolate celebrated holidays throughout the year, but National Chocolate Day today celebrates all things chocolate.  

We've all heard about the benefits of eating chocolate and how it can provide physical, psychological and emotional benefits. 

That's all true, isn't it? And, if not please keep it quiet. Sometimes living in denial isn't such a bad thing.

Deemed America’s favorite flavor, chocolate is well celebrated annually. It's equal to a whole month of celebrating, just not all at onceSo if like us you want to celebrate chocolate more than a single day, here’s a list of monthly chocolate-related ways to celebrate throughout the whole year. After all, any reason to celebrate (and enjoy) chocolate is good great:
  • January 3 - National Chocolate-Covered Cherries Day
  • January 10 - National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
  • January 27 - National Chocolate Cake Day
  • February 1 - National Dark Chocolate Day
  • February 14 - National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
  • February 19 - National Chocolate Mint Day
  • February 28 - National Chocolate Soufflé Day
  • March 19 - National Chocolate Caramel Day
  • March 24 - National Chocolate-Covered Raisins Day
  • April 21 - National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day
  • May 1 - National Chocolate Parfait Day
  • May 2 - National Chocolate Mousse Day
  • May 3 - National Chocolate Custard Day
  • May 12 - National Nutty Fudge Day
  • May 15 - National Chocolate Chip Day
  • June 3 - National Chocolate Macaroon Day
  • June 7 - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  • June 26 - National Chocolate Pudding Day
  • June 22 - National Chocolate Éclair Day
  • July 8 - National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day
  • July 28 - National Milk Chocolate Day
  • August 20 - National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
  • September 12 - National Chocolate Milkshake Day
  • September 22 - National White Chocolate Day
  • September 27 - National Chocolate Milk Day
  • October 18 - National Chocolate Cupcake Day
  • October 28 - National Chocolate Day
  • November 7 - National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
  • December 16 - National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day
  • December 28 - National Chocolate Day

Talk about timely, with Halloween being celebrated this weekend in various forms, it's even a better reason to enjoy chocolate. Since we may be a bit "over the age limit" for trick-or-treating (nevertheless young in heart and mind), we'll let the grandkids and others have fun. And, we'll celebrate privately with some of these favorites. Snack size portions have less calories — right?

Grenville read that you should eat 2 pieces of dark chocolate per day for health reasons. And, he feels that piece size is optional — the bigger the piece the healthier he feels.

Are you celebrating too & what's your favorite chocolate type?


William Kendall said...

Strangely I've got an aversion to dark chocolate, but absolutely love milk chocolate. I'll tend to go for bars, like Reese cups, Hershey's almond bars, and Kit Kats.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no chocolate allowed in our house, if i want to eat it, it is a one time thing when we are out. i have zero control over it. i had no idea all these days exist

L. D. said...

I really like your photos of all those little candy bars. I had to go get an m and m cookie to eat.

Emma Springfield said...

Dark chocolate is a major food group. I so much prefer it to milk chocolate.

Ginnie said...

I am supposed to be off sugar in any form ... you sure don't make that easy !!!

Country Gal said...

Every day here is chocolate day with Papa , he is a chocoholic and loves his chocolate bars pretty much the same as what you showed in the photo lol as for me I like one once in a while as a treat . Thanks for sharing now if I can just stop Papa from eating your photo here lol !!! Have a good day !

Anvilcloud said...

I'm with Grenville. Dark chocolate is what is really good for you. Mind you, I only go to 70% before it gets too bitter for me. As for the size of the pieces ...

Emma Springfield said...

Scarecrows at Halloween are a must. You have some great examples.

Connie said...

I don't need a reason to celebrate chocolate, but it's nice to know there are lots of them out there if I do need an excuse. :)