And, by now, most people know that Jenner is a transgender, who has obviously gone through extensive facial reconstruction and body sculpting. Evidence of this transformation was shown on the Vanity Fair magazine cover plastered on media outlets over the past week.
But is this man truly now a woman?
In my opinion, he is not in the sense of not having been born a female. And, I hold the same opinion for a woman who transitions to a man and calls herself "male." For me, a person's sex is the one he or she was born with, although I will concede they do not agree. That is their prerogative.
Lest you think this is transgender bashing, it is NOT.
Like many others, I agree that Jenner is entitled to live his life; granted he's had some uphill struggles — as have others in similar or differing situations. Life is not easy for those who "feel differently" or who have suffered with adversity; it comes in many forms from bullying to "body shaming" and much more..

This post is not aimed at judging anyone's actions.
However, I object to being bombarded by all forms of media concerning Jenner's very personal and now very public choice. Thanks to this over-extensive media blitz, is there anyone who doesn't know that Jenner will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award (no discussion on that decision). Also, I read that "fans will further understand and follow Caitlyn's new life when an 8-part E! docu-series airs in late late July." Do people really need/want to know all this?
Aren't there are so many more important issues throughout the world.
What are your views?
(Please no inappropriate comments)
OK. You asked for my opinion and you'll get it. I agree with you 100%. I, too, am not bashing the person. Live your life as you want. But... there are so many people who are doing much harder and more courageous acts. I posted on my facebook page a picture that showed a picture of "Caitlyn" Jenner with the word "Hero?" on one side. On the other side of a split screen was a disabled veteran with the word "HERO!" At the bottom it said "America needs to know the difference". We do.
Not even interested.
all i want is for the media to get over it..i would like the media to stop picking one thing and showing it over and over and over and over. and trying to stir people up with what they show....
Everyone has the right to live any way that suits them. All the best luck to everyone. Live long and prosper. Whatever, it doesn't bother me. However, I am just not interested, so I turn off the media and move on to things that interest me. That would not be any form of "reality" TV. I can't respect the monetization of the mundane lives of self appointed celebrities.
I would probably have more sympathy for someone else in the same situation... but this is the same individual who essentially is responsible for the Kardashians being inflicted on the world. Kris Jenner would have never had the connections to make her daughters famous if not for being married to Bruce Jenner.
That said, the media needs to move onto other things.
Yeah, this sort of transgender surgery has been going on for decades, so it's nothing new.
Good afternoon blog friends,
FMIA (forgive me in advance) if any part of this does not make sense as I am quite ill.
For reasons of enhanced chances of survival, our brains seem to be wired to pick out That Which is Other. From micro to macro choices. So, maybe the answer to, "Do people really need/want to know?" is, "Yes."
Just thinking out loud. Don't quote me.
I just really do not care. I am so tired of these reality shows that are supposed to give us a look at the lives of people who have become famous by exposing me to intimate details of their lives. I do not watch these programs because I just do not care. Leave me alone about your trials and tribulations. Leave me alone about your sexual escapades and preferences. Do not expose me to your ill-mannered children who are called "so cute" by so many. Leave me alone about the cat fights between rich bored people who cannot seem to find anything better to do with their time and money. I do not want to hear about your perfect family that everyone should emulate only to find out that, SURPRISE, they are not really perfect. I just do not care.
What the media decides is an important news story is oftentimes questionable. There are many more deserving issues deserving society's time and attention. While I feel deeply and compassionately for, and do pray, for these conflicted souls, I don't feel they are newsworthy.
It's all fine with me, and the media will get over it soon enough.
I have pretty strong opinions and my opinion is this...Jenner is still a MAN regardless of how much he wishes otherwise. He might change his face, but he was born a MAN and that is that. The media, in my opinion, is going to be the ruination of this country. They slant the news and try to push their agenda onto the people and build up and celebrate that which is just plain wrong. They go on and on hoping to sway us all into thinking their way. Well, I for one don't buy into their agenda. They can tell Jenner's story a gazillion times and I'll still think that it's not normal. In fact, I just read recently that a prominent doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital said that transgenders were mentally ill. Now that news wouldn't make the mainstream media outlets, I'm sure. My daughter showed me something on Facebook that really said it all to me, the comparison of what the media is saying about how courageous Jenner is and how Tim Tebow (the ex-football player) should keep his thoughts to himself. Referring to him being openly Christian and praying on the field. It's sad to me how what is wrong is now right and what was right is now wrong and made fun of.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now! Oh, I want to say one more thing. Perhaps Jenner is only doing what he's doing to make lots of money. That is a possibility! Regardless, I'm sick and tired of seeing him on the news. And the Kardashians, too!
Thanks, everyone, for sharing your views. One of the greatest things about the U.S. is that we can freely speak our minds.
I don't agree with You at all in this :-) Since the person never have felt he or she is the one he or she grew up as and then later in life has corrected it I feel that the person is what the person says he or she is. So Jenner is now a she and I think that even if You feel she isn't You should be polite enough to call her she when You write about her. Life has been hard enough as it is for trans gender people. We haven't had that heavy media cover about it here in Sweden though.
Have a great day!
I object to the bombardment as well. But the publicity is Jenner's own choice, and I don't believe for a moment that it is altruistic to support transgenders. It's to support her purse. Frankly, I would rather never again hear about Jenner, the Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo, or the Duggars. Thank goodness for TV remotes and computer delete keys.
Well, Bruce was on a reality show so that revived public interest in his life. As long as people click on links about celebrities, media will keep publishing these stories. An awful lot of folks need to get a life!
It is because of his name, both connnected with sports but more so because of his connection to the family name that begins with "K'.
I don't deny that he must have led a very strange and sad life and I wish him/her the best but at the same time, I don't think it is necesaary for us to put anyone on a pedestal and worship them. And that is what it is beginning to feel like to me. To be fair to Bruce/Caitlyn, the public is the one doing this, but it seems that Bruce/Caitlyn will benefit from this hero worship.
I don't know, I just don't get the world right now. Live in respect and love for your fellow man but my goodness, we are so afraid of being so politcally correct that it is choking any sound logic.
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