
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Hills Are Alive . . .

Not with the sound of music (apologies to Julie Andrews) but with autumn color.
At least in New England.

As we drove through several New England states this week, it was clearly evident that the colors of fall had arrived there.

Leaf peeping season is in full force the next few weeks with yellows, golds and reds seen everywhere.

All these shots were taken from the car by myself as Grenville was driving us through Connecticut  Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

Images were captured using an iPhone and a Canon Digital Elph. Shooting through a car windshield is problematic. No matter how much window cleaner is applied, many road smears never clear. Also, skies were quite overcast so leaf colors were not the most brilliant.

Still it's always fun to try and capture shots along the way regardless. We will be in and around this area for a few days and expect to find a lot more colors along our travels.

And, perhaps by the time we return to the VA Eastern Shore, fall will have started it's colorful display there (we hope).


Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

These shots are Beautiful! And I see no window smears.

But you are right. Some window smears will not go away for love nor money. WS's bother the husband no end. But, unless there's, like, a dozen eggs broken on the windshield, WS's don't appear on my radar. Which Also bothers husband no end. "How can you SEE out of this thing?!"

Happy New England to you guys! m & jb

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Wow, Wow and Wow again. the colors are magnificent. what a drive

possum said...

Beautiful, beautiful.
I do miss the hills, rocks, and awesome fall colors... But then, I have camellias in bloom. Fair trade. No hills to climb. No rocks to dig around in the garden.
Everything is a trade-off.

Out on the prairie said...

Getting in fall swing here also. I took the tour in Austria for the Sound of Music.

Debbie said...

oohhh what beautiful colors!! this is the most wonderful time of the year!!!!

Doris said...

Breathtakingly Beautiful!! Wouldn't it be nice for you to experience the trees in New England and then to experience it again back home. Delightful!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Emma Springfield said...

On a driving trip through New England years ago it was autumn. I saw colors that I am sure they do not even have names for. It is truly beauty.

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous colours!

CountryDew said...

Splendid shots! Most excellent.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh wow! Those are just gorgeous scenes! I love the colors of fall. Ours haven't turned quite so pretty yet. Everything is waterlogged in my area. Hope to see some prettier days and prettier foliage soon. Enjoy your trip and take lots more photos to show us!

Connie said...

Wow, beautiful shots! That must have been a fun trip to see so many fall colors.

diane b said...

I've always wanted to see the colours of New England in Fall after seeing it on TV once. So thanks for the ride and the colours. Just beautiful.

Rebecca said...

So pretty. Our hills are full of color, but I don't think it will last. A couple of big winds and we get naked trees.

Anonymous said...

Yes, some of those window smears just stick no matter what!

Beautiful photos! I've always wondered why Your trees get so much more colors than ours and so much brighter too. Here it'äs most yellow and brown, I think we need more maples around :-)

Have a great day!

Gail Dixon said...

Absolutely breathtaking! I heard on the news that this has been a great year for fall foliage.

Latane Barton said...

Love the fall colors. Not seeing much here but perhaps by the time you return home it will be pretty. Glad you are having a wonderful time.

Ginnie said...

Thanks for the preview. I will see it myself starting tomorrow !

Catherine said...

Wow, the colors are spectacular!... Beautiful captures. I always wanted to experience Autumn in New England (sigh),... never made it when I was in DC. It's still on my bucket list!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are so pretty. The colors were not vibrant here in GA this year. I have always wanted to visit your part of the country, especially in autumn.