
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sunny THANKS to All

THANKS to everyone for the anniversary wishes posted this week. We read and appreciated all you comments. It was wonderful to read that many other couples are married to their best friend too.

To celebrate we watched (most of) a Robin Williams movie at home, until thunderstorms kept bringing the internet down.We're saving a getaway celebration until Sept. (You were so right, Doris; we'll be in Lititz for a few days and will be in contact.) 

FYI: The sunflower is native to North America and its name derives from the Greek helios or sun and anthos or flower. Sunflowers turn their faces toward the sun as they track it across the sky, an activity called heliotropism or solar tracking. Special motor cells at the bases of the flower buds shrink or enlarge as they absorb water, which moves their faces toward the sun. Many other flowers track the sun this same way.

Sunflowers depend on pollinators like bees and butterflies to propagate. That's the reason they turn their faces toward the sun. The flowers usually showcase bright yellow petals surrounding large flower heads which makes it easy for pollinators to land on the sunflower faces; they too need more than just a large landing zone and also crave warmth.

As of 1903, the sunflower is the official flower of the state of Kansas which is known as the Sunflower State. Argentina and Russia grow the most sunflowers.
True friends are like bright sunflowers that never fade away, even over distance and time. (Marie Williams Johnstone)
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. It’s what Sunflowers do.(Helen Keller)


diane b said...

The sunflowers are beautiful and clever.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are gorgeous, a blogger sent me seeds, we will see if they grow.

Out on the prairie said...

I always have a few varieties in my garden as well as natives in the back forty.

Country Gal said...

Oh My did I miss your Anniversary post ? OOPS ! Happy belated Anniversary to you both . Lovely sunflowers they are such wonderful flowers and make me smile every time I see them ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

William Kendall said...

I always like the sight of them. They're in full bloom here too, and many of them grow even taller than I am.

Emma Springfield said...

Sunflowers bring brightness to the view. My daughter's children were given sunflower seeds at school when they were in kindergarten. They planted them in paper cups to start their plants. On the last day of school they took them home. They were told to plant them and take pictures throughout the summer to show how the plants grew. It was a great assignment.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

That last image is the quintessential sunflower. The very essence.

Elaine said...

Beautiful sunflowers!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

With all the seed that falls around our feeders, you would think a few would sprout...yours are gorgeous!!!!...:)JP

Lois Evensen said...

Happy Anniversary again and LOVE those sun flowers. :)

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful sunflowers - they are so cheery!

Connie said...

I love sunflowers! So pretty!

Diana said...

Hi Beatrice, so nice to visit!! I love your sunflowers, and wishing you a happy anniversary. We've had computer and then Verizon problems.. but it seems to be working now. love to both of you,Diana

Debbie said...

happy anniversary....gorgeous sunflowers today!!